Disabilities Services
Disabilities Services
United Tribes Technical College
Wellness Center Building 69
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8 am – 5 pm
Schedule an appointment:
Phone: 701.221.1516
Email: dss@uttc.edu

What We Do...
- Provide equal access and opportunity for all academic programs and campus activities for students with disabilities at UTTC.
- We will work with students to coordinate services with other campus resources.
- Offer guidance and support to students.
- Provide services in a confidential and culturally appropriate manner.
Our Goals...
- Our office works with any student that has a disability to arrange appropriate and reasonable accommodations for their classes.
- To encourage self-advocacy for students with disabilities.
- We also work with students who may have not yet been diagnosed and are in need of support, resources or a referral.
- Refer students to local agencies based on individual needs.
- Follow rules outlined in Sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), the ADA Amendments Act of 2008, and other applicable federal and state regulations that prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability.
Eligibility Requirements...
Students wishing to be considered for accommodations that are offered through Disabilities Services (DS), must complete the following steps:
Complete Intake Form
Once enrolled at UTTC, student will need to self-disclose that they have a disability and begin the registration process with the DS Department by completing an Intake Form with the DS Coordinator.
- Intake form will need to be filled out completely, signed and dated.
- Intake form will only need to be filled out once.
- It is the responsibility of the student to make his or her disability and needs to be known in a timely fashion.
Provide documentation of disability
Students must provide documentation from a licensed professional/ and or Doctor and have been within the past five years.
- If a student does not have a copy of their record a Release of Information form will need to be signed so a copy can be obtained by the DS dept.
- Acceptable documentation could be your most recent psychological evaluation, psychoeducational evaluation, school records such as Individualized Educational Plans (IEPs) or medical report/ medical record from a physician that clearly states a diagnosis and gives suggestions for appropriate accommodations.
Maintain contact with the DS Coordinator during the semester
Once your registration process is complete and you are determined eligible for services you may request academic accommodations. The DS office will work collaboratively with the staff of UTTC to develop appropriate and reasonable accommodations. After which, the student will receive an Accommodation Letter.
- Students will be responsible for giving a copy of the Accommodation Letter to each of their instructors, preferably during their scheduled office hours.
- Students will have to work with DS services to update their accommodations each semester as their class schedule changes.
- Students will need to maintain contact with the DS Coordinator.
- Accommodations will not go into effect until the student delivers the Accommodation Letter to each faculty member of their class schedule and meets with them to make the practical arrangements for each accommodation.
- Accommodations are not retroactive.
Possible Accommodation Examples:
- We provide a testing location for students that can include assistive technology, extended time, and/or reduced distraction accommodations based on individual needs.
- Accessible classroom/location/furniture/dorms
- Alternative ways of completing assignments (i.e., oral presentation versus written paper)
- Assistive computer and/or listening devices and technology
- Auxiliary aids and services (note-takers, lab or library assistants, readers, interpreters)
- Captions for film and video material (if available) and recorded lectures
- Document conversion (alternative print format: Braille, large print, tape, electronics, raised lettering)