Current Scholarships
Scholarships with No Tribal Enrollment Requirement
2021 - 2022 Academic Year Scholarships
ND WIOA Scholarships - Fall 08/24/21 & Spring 01/11/22
ND Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Scholarships
Bismarck Workforce Center
1601 E. Century Ave
Bismarck, ND 58503
- Fall August 24, 2021
- Spring January 11, 2022
Learn More: By speaking with a WIOA Advisor,
Expanded SNAP Benefits - No Deadline
Deadline: None
Students enrolled at least half-time in an institution of higher education (students) are ineligible for SNAP unless they meet one of the exemptions described in Section 6(e) of the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (the Act) and federal regulations at 7 CFR 273.5(b).
Under the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, states must temporarily add two new temporary exemptions to the existing list. The two new temporary exemptions apply to students who meet either of the following:
- The individual is eligible to participate in a state or federally financed work study program during the regular school year, as determined by the institution of higher education; or
- The individual has an expected family contribution (EFC) of $0 in the current academic year.
Questions on Federal Work Study eligibility or EFC need to be directed to :
Office location finder:
Which state should students apply in?
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) states that students seeking to enroll in the temporarily expanded program should apply in the state in which they are currently living and attending school.
“There is not a minimum amount of time that someone must live in a state in order to apply for SNAP,” a USDA spokesperson said, adding that all they will need to do is verify their residency in that state.
To verify residency, a student will be required to provide documentation. The following documents are examples of what could be used to verify residency:
- In-state license
- Utility bill
- Rental agreement
- Letter from housing services at the institution of higher education
- Letter from a resident assistant (RA) in a dormitory
- Letter from a landlord of a rental property
ND Conference of Social Welfare Scholarship - 05/31/22
ND Conference of Social Welfare Scholarship
Donelle Mogard
Ward County Human Service Zone
PO BOX 2209
Minot, ND 58702-2209
Deadlines: July 16, 2021
- Enrolled in a BA/BS or Master’s degree program
- Application
- Essay (1000 words or less):
- A social welfare issue that is important to you.
- How you plan to address this issue as a student and future professional.
- What kind of research did you do to find out about the NDCSW?
- What types of GOALS have you set for yourself in your future professional career?
Apply Now:
CAWS Women's Opportunity Scholarship - 06/15/22 (Opens 03/29/22)
Women’s Opportunity Scholarship
Scholarship Review Committee
CAWS North Dakota
521 E Main Ave, Suite 320
Bismarck, ND 58501
Deadlines: June 15, 2021 (Opens March 29, 2021)
- Must be female
- Full Time
- Must be low income to federal poverty guidelines
- NOTE: Applicants flightly over these guidelines may be considered.
- Current North Dakota resident
- Be in good academic standing
- NOTE: Cannot be on SAP Warning or Suspension
- Application
- References
- Play a crucial part in the selection process.
- Do not use relatives or friends as references.
- Must contact 3 references and request that they submit a reference form, found on the last page of the application, directly to CAWS North Dakota office.
- Financial Needs Analysis Form
- Sections 1A, 2A to be filled out by a Financial Aid Officer
- Motivational & Future Plans Essay
- 500-1500 words
- Describe your motivation for pursing a college education and
- Describe your plans for the future as clearly as you are able to determine them at this time.
- If filed, a copy of a 2020 tax return
- Acceptance Letter
Apply Now: Request an application at or pick one up at the Scholarship Wall in the upper level of the Jack Barden Center (JBC).
Northern States Caucus Scholarship -- Due Dec 31, 2021
Northern States Caucus Scholarship Information
Susan Stocker, BLA
Iowa Department of Natural Resources
Wallace State Office Building
502 E 9th St
Des Moines IA 50319
Deadlines: December 31, 2021
Award Date: January 2022
Award Amount: Two awards of $1,000
- GPA 3.0+
- Full Time
- Have a degree emphasis in a recreationalboating safety related field (e.g. lawenforcement or criminal justice, naturalresources/environmental science, education,public relations/marketing or journalism)
- Application
- Two recommendation letters (one from a fieldrelated faculty member and one from aprofessional in recreational boating safety)
- Resume noting all boating/natural resource/lawenforcement related activities;
- College transcript, and;
- An essay — typewritten, double?spaced, notexceeding two pages — that addresses one ofthe following topics:
1.Boating Under the Influence
2.Marketing Boating Safety
3.Effects of Technology Advancements onBoating
4.Boater Education
5.Career Opportunities in Boating LawEnforcement
Apply Now: Request a copy of the application from Financial Aid @
Automotive Hall of Fame Scholarship - 06/30/22
Automotive Hall of Fame Scholarship
(Online Application)
Automotive Hall of Fame
21400 Oakwood
Dearborn, MI 48124
Deadlines: June 30, 2021
- US Citizen
- Full Time
- GPA 3.0+
- Be accepted at an acrredited college, unitversity or trade school within the US at the time of application
- Online Application
- Official Transcript
- Letters of Recommendation
- Supporting your automtive interests
- Acceptance Letter
Apply Now:
Health Care Profession Scholarship & Health Care Leadership Scholarship - Deadline 10/1/2022
Health Profession Scholarship
- Twenty-six $2,500 scholarships will be awarded to offset tuition costs for those pursing degrees in a nursing or health care related field.
- Eligibility Requirements:
o Be a resident of North Dakota
o Attending a North Dakota university, college or technical college
o Pursuing a degree in a nursing or health care related field
o Have completed at least their freshman year of undergraduate course work
o Be a full-time student
o Be in good academic standing; maintaining a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher
o Demonstrate financial need - For more information or to apply visit our webpage.
Healthcare Leader Scholarship
- The purpose of this scholarship is to identify, cultivate and advance the next generation of healthcare leaders in North Dakota. Applicants will develop an innovative and impactful project in the area of healthcare which incorporates a leadership development plan designed to support a successful project outcome, as well as academic and personal growth.
- One $5,000 scholarship will be awarded to the winner to offset school tuition costs.
- Eligibility Requirements:
o Be a resident of North Dakota
o Enrolled as a full-time undergraduate or graduate student at a North Dakota university or college
o Have completed at least their junior year of undergraduate course work or be enrolled in graduate program
o Pursuing a degree in healthcare or business administration and planning to work in a healthcare related field with a leadership track
o Preference will be given individuals planning to live and work in North Dakota
o Be in good academic standing, maintaining a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher
o Demonstrate financial need - For more information or to apply visit our webpage.
Scholarships with Tribal Enrollment Required
2021 - 2022 Academic Year Scholarships
Catching the Dream Scholarships - Fall 04.30.21 & Spring 09/15/21
Catching the Dream Scholarship (Bachelor Program Only)
- Summer March 15
- Fall April 30
- Spring September 15
- ¼ or more degree American Indian, and an enrolled member of a U.S. tribe
- Full Time
- Enrolled in a Bachelor program
- Reccomendation Letter (3)
- Financial Needs Analysis form
- IRS 1040 Fedral Tax Return (student’s or parent’s) for the previous year
- Cerificate of Indian Blood
- Essay
- Official Transcripts
- Standardized Test Scores (ACT/SAT/GRE/MCAT/LSAT, etc)
- DD 214 Form (for military personnel only)
- Acceptance Letter
- Color photograph of good quality
ND Indian Scholarship - Priority 07/15/21
North Dakota Indian Scholarship
ATTN: Financial Aid
600 E Blvd Ave DEPT 21
Bimsarck, ND 58505
FAX: 701-328-2979
Award: $2000 per academic year
Deadlines: July 15, 2021 (Priority Deadline)
- ND Resident
- Enrolled member of a federally recongized Indian tribe
- Full Time (few exceptions)
- GPA 2.0+
- Merit-based scholarship: GPA 3.5+ can qualify based on merit
- Need-based scholarship: GPA’s 2.0-3.499 can qualify based on on unmet need.
- Funding is limited and awards will be made based on a priority awarding process.
- Preferred method to apply: Complete the 2021-22 ND Indian Scholarship application online using a secure site. NOT AVAILABLE UNTIL APRIL 2021
- Tribal enrollment documentation
- Most recent transcript
- All documentation should be submitted via the secure online drop box, mail, or fax.
- If you complete th online application, you do NOT need to upload it using the drop box.
- Download and complete the 2021-22 ND Indian Scholarship application. NOT AVAILABLE UNTIL APRIL 2021.
- The drop box is the PREFERRED method of delivery in 2021.
- Use the secure online drop box to send your application and supporting documents to NDUS.
- If you cannot use the drop box, you may MAIL or FAX your application and supporting documents to the contact info above.
- IN-PERSON drop offs will NOT be accepted in the 2021 application cycle due to COVID-19.
- EMAILED applications will NOT be accepted due to the personal nature of the application. DO NOT email your application or supporting documents.
Apply Now: (Beginning April 1st)
Massachusetts Indian Association - Fall 09/01/21 & Spring 01/01/22
Masschusetts Indian Association
ATTN: Marjorie M. Findlay
Carlisle, MA 01741
FAX: 978-369-5828
Award: $750.00 per academic year
- Fall Sepetember 1, 2021
- Spring January 1, 2021
- Enrolled in a federally recognized tribe
- Demonstrate Unmet Financial Need
- Be in good academic standing
- Application
- Financial Needs Analysis form (to be filled out by a Financial Aid Officer)
- Official Transcript
Apply Now: Mass.-Indian-Association-Scholarship.pdf (
American Indian Services - Fall 06/01/21 & Spring 10/01/21
American Indian Services
ATTN: Scholarship Department
3115 East Lion Lane, Suite 320
Salt Lake City, UT 84121-3536
Semester Opens Due
- Summer Semester 02/02/21 04/01/21
- Fall Semester 05/01/21 07/01/21
- Spring Semester 09/01/21 11/01/21
- Enrolled or will enroll as a matriculated student in a university, college, junior college or technical school (incoming freshman accepted)
- At least One-Quarter (1/4) enrolled member of a U.S. Federally Recognized Native American Tribe, or descendant of an enrolled member, with possession of at least one-fourth degree Indian blood.
- Undergraduate student with no more than 150 semester credits or 210 quarter credits.
- First bachelor’s degree only.
- Graduate studies NOT eligible.
- Full-time or part-time status
- Excluding non-credit courses (minimum of 6 credits).
- Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.25 must be established and maintained after the first semester/quarter of college.
- Completed Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
- Photo of the Applicant
- Photo needs to be recent.
- It does not have to be professional, but old, tattered, blurry photos, or a copy of your ID will NOT be accepted.
- The photo will be sent to potential donors who might fund your scholarship or for promotional material.
- Proof of Heritage
- Proof of Heritage must show that you are at least one-quarter and enrolled in a Federally Recognized Tribe (some tribes require at least one-quarter to be enrolled so you would only need proof of enrollment if they do).
- If you are a descendant of an enrolled member with possession of at least one-fourth degree Indian blood, you will need to provide proof of enrollment for your relative as well as proof of relation.
- If your document does not show blood quantum, and your tribe does not require a certain amount to be enrolled, ask your tribal enrollment office for a statement or you can apply for a Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood from the BIA.
- Official Tuition Billing Statement
- The statement must reflect the term you are applying for and the tuition amount.
- If you are unable to get an official tuition statement or are not able to register yet, you may request a letter of estimated cost of tuition from your school stating your name, the term you are applying for and the estimated cost of tuition for however many credits you plan to take for that term.
- You may also submit a Financial Needs Analysis (FNA) form in place of a tuition statement. Be advised that FNA’s are for full-time status only. *We are now accepting tuition statements for the Academic Year.
- Current Transcript(can be unofficial)
- DO NOT WAIT for final grades to be posted and request the most current transcript as of today.
- It needs to show cumulative GPA.
- High school or GED transcripts are acceptable for incoming freshman ONLY.
Apply Now:
Dakota Indian Foundation - Fall 08/01/21 & Spring 01/15/22
Dakota Indian Foundation
PO Box 340
209 N. Main Street
Chamberlain, SD 57325-0340
- Fall August 1, 2021
- Spring January 15, 2022
- This scholarship program is established for the further educational advancement of Native American
students with priority to those of Lakota, Dakota, Nakota heritage. - Students must be a Sophomore, Junior or Senior to be eligible and must have completed a minimum of 24 credit hours.
- Scholarships are for any approved course of study at an accredited college, university or vocational school.
- Recipients must maintain at least a 2.5 GPA to remain eligible, and be enrolled full time each
semester. - Scholarships will be limited to funding availability
- Official transcript in a sealed envelope from the school Registrar office
- Tribal enrollment from the enrollment office at the respective reservation
- Current Photo
- Recommendation letter from school advisor, counselor or professor who is knowledgeable of your abilities to succeed.
- Financial need analysis completed by the school financial aid officer
- Personal statement from the applicant
For application and additional information, please visit:
Annie D Wauneka Scholarship Program (Enrolled members of Navajo Tribe ONLY) - 08/01/21
Navajo Education & Scholarship Foundation, Inc.
ATTN: Scholarship Committee
PO BOX 3209
Window Rock, Arizona 86515
(520) 871-3386
Award: $1000 per semester (max award)
- Fall August 1, 2021
- Spring January 1, 2022
- Must have been denied a scholarship from the Navajo nations Office of Scholarship and Financial Assistance Program.
- Enrolled member of the Navajo Nation
- Officially admitted for the semester for whichy you are applying.
- Full Time
- This requirement may be waived if there are extenuating circumstances. If you are not enrolled as a full-time student, please submit a statement explaining your situtaion.
- Verification Document showing that you are either inelgiible or not being funded from the Navajo nations office of Scholarship and Financial Assistance Program.
- Write an essay on why the Foundation should fund you concerning your education and goals.
- Official Transcript
- Incoming Freshmen must provide an official high school transcript with your date of your graduation.
- Original Officially sealed Certificate of Indian Blood
- Financial Needs Assessment from a Financial Aid Officer
- Acceptance Letter
For application and additional information, please visit:
St Joseph's Indian School Scholarship - Fall 08/21/21 & Spring 01/12/22
Mail the completed applications packet to:
- Fall August 21, 2021
- Spring January 12, 2022
- Tribal member
- GPA 2.0+
Requirements – Initial Request:
- Letter of request from applicant. Information about the course of studies being undertaken and career goals should be included in the request letter.
- Proof of tribal enrollment/blood degree (only needed with initil request)
- Letter of acceptance from the college that the applicant is attending
- Financial Needs Analysis form (to be filled out by the Financial Aid Dept)
- Official transcript
New Applicant:
Returning Applicant:
DAR American Indian Scholarship - 01/31/22
Daughter of American Revolution: American Indian Scholarship
Deadlines: January 13, 2022
Award: $4000.00
- Tribal Member
- GPA 3.25
- Demonstrate Financial Need
- Proof of Tribal Enrollment
- Personal Statement of 1000 words or less setting forth your career objectives.
- Official Transcript
- Letter of Acceptance
- One page document listing your extra-cirricular activities, honors received, and scholastic achievements.
- Should not exceed one page
Apply Now:
Frances Crawford Marvin American Indian Scholarship - 01/31/22
Frances Crawford Marvin American Indian Scholarship
Deadlines: January 31, 2021
Award: Varies
- Tribal Member
- GPA 3.25
- Demonstrate Financial Need
- Proof of Tribal Enrollment
- Personal Statement of 1000 words or less setting forth your career objectives.
- Official Transcript
- Letter of Acceptance
- One page document listing your extra-cirricular activities, honors received, and scholastic achievements.
- Should not exceed one page
Apply Now:
Looking for more scholarships? Updates are posted regularly, check back soon!
In the meantime, try performing your own scholarship search with the search engines we recommend. Check the Resources below!
Never give your banking information out in order to receive a scholarship. Valid scholarships will never ask for payment of any kind for you to receive it. Research how to avoid scholarship scams at

External Scholarships
These scholarships are available to students across America. No UTTC student has received any of these scholarships before, but you could be the first!
We do our best to verify the scholarships are valid before posting them. These scholarships appear to be safe, but you must always exercise caution when applying for scholarships online. Never give out banking information for a scholarship. Valid scholarships will never ask for money to submit the application.
Veteran Car Donations Scholarship 8/15/20
STEM students can complete the online application, including a personal essay, to be considered – view opportunity
Scholarship Resources
Fastweb Search
Create a profile to search scholarships that match your education.
CollegeBoard Search
Enter your info to filter and search scholarships from more than 2,200 programs.
Niche Scholarship Search
Use filters to find scholarships that match, or use the “Easy to Apply” filter.
Planning an Essay
How to plan an essay that makes them say “WOW!”
Essay Tips
How to write a winning “Why I deserve this” scholarship essay, from Scholarship Owl.
Personal Statement
How to write a winning personal statement for any scholarship.