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Institutional Review Board Forms

Office of Institutional Research

IRB Application Forms

All proposals to do human subjects research at UTTC or with UTTC community members are required to complete the Coversheet:

Coversheet (Form A)

Complete the form appropriate for the level of risk in the study you are proposing and submit the associated documents:

Exempt Review Checklist (Form B)
Expedited Review Checklist (Form C)
Full Review Checklist (Form D)

Protocol Change or Continuing Review Request Forms

At times, the principal investigator may require a change in the data collection process, participant recruitment, data analysis, or other aspects of an approved protocol. If this is the case, you will need to submit a Protocol Change Request form for consideration by the IRB. Protocols are typically approved for just one calendar year. If at that time, you need to extend the study, you will need to submit a Continuing Review Form.

Protocol Change Request Form
Continuing Review Form

Protocol Closeout Form

At the conclusion of the study, it is necessary to notify the UTTC IRB. In addition, we require a report of the findings. When you are done with your approved study at UTTC, please complete and submit a Protocol Closeout Form.

Protocol Closeout Form