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Academic Affairs

United Tribes Technical College

The Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) oversees and provides leadership for all academic programs and functions at United Tribes Technical College. The Office of Academic Affairs has the lead responsibility for academic planning and academic budget administration, academic personnel decisions and career development, curricular requirements and degree program development, assessment of student learning, and academic accreditation.

The VPAA also oversees Enrollment Services (Admissions and Recruitment, Financial Aid, and Registrar’s Office), Career Services and Retention/First Year Advising.

The VPAA works closely with the President’s Office, the Vice President for Campus Services, and the directors and committees across campus on a broad array of policy and strategic planning issues. Our purpose is to support the mission of United Tribes Technical College and the students and their families who are pursuing their educational goals at our campus.

Division Goals

The Academic Affairs division at United Tribes Technical College provides programs that prepare students to be lifelong learners and productive professionals in a global and diverse society. Through a culture of continuous improvement and reflective assessment, Academic Affairs is committed to enhancing opportunities for students to grow intellectually, think critically, and develop leadership skills. Faculty, staff, students and community members collaborate on professional, scholarly and creative works that contribute to the health of our institution, our community and tribal communities throughout the country.

  1. Implement best practices for advancing student learning in an environment focused on student success
  2. Develop educational programs that differentiate United Tribes Technical College as a leader in education, leadership development and innovation in student research
  3. Establish a scholarly environment for faculty and staff

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The Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs) represent both curricular and co-curricular efforts to enhance our students’ opportunities to develop effective responses to personal, professional, and intellectual opportunities and challenges. Our ILOs define what UTTC graduates are expected to know, to be able to do, and value as a result of their general education, program studies, and co-curricular activities.

Institutional Learner Outcomes

Graduates of United Tribes Technical College will:

  1. Exhibit effective oral and written communication. (Communication)
    • Organize various types of communication
    • Articulate content knowledge
    • Demonstrate appropriate delivery (i.e. body language, tone, voice)
    • Apply mechanics of writing (standard grammar, punctuation, spelling)
  2. Employ critical thinking skills in the processes used to identify and solve problems. (Critical Thinking)
    • Identify and define key issues
    • Determine information needed, find and cite relevant information
    • Integrate other relevant points of view of the issue
    • Evaluate supporting information and evidence
    • Construct appropriate and defensible reasoning to draw conclusions
  3. Develop solutions to mathematical and scientific problems (Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning)
    • Interpret data from a variety of sources
    • Demonstrate hypothesis-based problem solving
    • Estimate answers for reasonableness
    • Communicate quantitative information
  4. Demonstrate skills necessary for living and working in a global society. (Personal & Social Responsibility)
    • Identify themselves as contributing members of the campus community
    • Demonstrate they are prepared to learn, regularly attend class, complete assignments on time, and demonstrate other positive work habits that contribute to achieving career pathway goals
    • Model confidence and the ability to work through life challenges through effective planning and prioritizing
    • Believe in their ability to accomplish challenging tasks and that with effort, their ability can grow
    • Exhibit knowledge of diverse cultures, identities and societies

General Education Philosophy Statement

UTTC is committed to providing opportunities for students to acquire the knowledge and skills to graduate and to have the academic foundation to continue their education, pursue a career, and be leaders among tribal nations. To meet this educational goal, all UTTC programs will encompass not only program-specific learning outcomes, but also general education learning outcomes in the areas of communication, critical thinking, quantitative and scientific reasoning, and personal and social responsibility. These learning outcomes are taught and assessed in classes, labs, field experiences, and co-curricular activities. Personal and social responsibility is reinforced within the UTTC Student Code of Conduct and the campus community.

General Education Outcomes
Graduates of United Tribes Technical College will:

  1. Utilize mathematics to solve problems
    1. Solve linear equations
    2. Graph linear equations
    3. Manipulate equations and/or formulas
    4. Apply learned skills to solve real world application problems
    5. Recognize the accuracy of your results
    6. Factor polynomials
    7. Simplify rational exponents
  1. Examine the nature of human expression and/or artistic creativity.
    1. Analyze artistic contributions from civilizations
    2. Develop an original creative project
    3. Demonstrate information literacy
    4. Synthesize information from data bases into research papers
    5. Interpret indigenous art from a variety of sources
  1. Apply scientific concepts and methods of inquiry.
    1. Articulate scientific knowledge in written form
    2. Apply principles of the scientific method
    3. Demonstrate lab safety skills
    4. Solve applied science problems
    5. Interpret data
    6. Utilize scientific instrumentation for scientific investigation
  1. Apply concepts, principles, and methods of inquiry in social sciences.
    1. Demonstrate an understanding of sociology and the major sociological theories
    2. Apply the sociological principles and concepts to her/his own life
    3. Convey historical significance of the social sciences field
    4. Apply social science methods of inquiry in written or oral presentation
  1. Demonstrate cohesive communication skills.
    1. Identify communication goals
    2. Organize a plan for communication
    3. Create topic and thesis sentences
    4. Use transitions correctly
  1. Demonstrate technical proficiency at college-level writing.
    1. Utilize college-level vocabulary
    2. Practice standard grammar
    3. Apply standard mechanics
    4. Produce a research paper utilizing proper forms of citations, footnotes, and list of sources
  1. Demonstrate information literacy.
    1. Identify information needs in research
    2. Discover informational sources through a variety of research methods
    3. Evaluate information from a variety of context
    4. Integrate informational resources in research
  1. Demonstrate technological literacy.
    1. Navigate a computer system
    2. Demonstrate proficiency using Microsoft Office Suite
    3. Identify hardware components of a computer system
    4. Apply industry standard security measures when using a computer