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Room Rental Policy

United Tribes Technical College

Room Rental Priorities

United Tribes Technical College’s policy dictating the order of priority for room assignments is as follows:

  1. First priority goes to academic courses and annual events on the academic calendar
  2. Second priority is to UTTC sponsored events
  3. Third priority to outside organizations renting UTTC space.

Within this prioritization process, rooms are reserved on a first come, first serve basis. Put in your request as soon as your needs are known. The event requests will be scheduled in the order the request was received.

All meeting room reservations must follow United Tribes Technical College (UTTC) room scheduling process.

  1. Go to website for the room reservation form under the visitor’s tab and complete form.
  2. When requesting use of one of UTTC’s facilities/rooms, please select from the list below, and indicate your room selection on your request form:
  3. All information should be complete when reserving meeting space: Name, department/program, a brief description of meeting type, date & time, a brief description of expected audience, the number of people, setup and contact information: phone and email.
  4. If a requested room is not available, an alternate meeting room will be offered if such is available. UTTC reserves the right to change room assignments in order to serve the greatest number of programs or activities at any time. UTTC will confirm your request by email.

Consecutive monthly meetings can be made up to 2 months in advance; however, the same meeting room is not guaranteed. Meeting rooms are limited to the furniture and equipment assigned to that room and cannot be removed.


Generally, no fees are charged for meeting rooms under the following circumstances:

  • Meeting/events directly related to students.
  • Meetings, which are routine for daily operation of the College.
  • Meetings /events exempt under the President’s approval.

Fees charged for other meetings:

  • Meetings, which are reserved by College – affiliated individuals.
  • Meetings, which are reserved for external groups.
  • Meetings of profit-making groups.
  • Meetings restricted to membership of a particular group.
  • Meetings, which require an admission fee, registration fee, tuition fee.
  • Meetings from which products or services are promoted or sold. (Must have prior approval to sell items).
  • Meetings, which are designed to further the specific goals of an individual or group.

Users who misrepresent an event or affiliation in order to avoid fees and charges may incur additional charges and have reservation privileges suspended.

Room Set-Up

Setup per room reservation by contact person in designated areas. Facilities maintenance will be provided setup request. The tables and chairs in the Space are permanent to that room, but may be arranged to suit the Organization’s reasonable needs. The College cannot guarantee the availability of additional tables/chairs for your event. There are limited amounts of excess furniture. It will be the responsibility of the Organization to rent additional tables/chairs required for said event. The College will take great strides in accommodating your needs; however, we cannot guarantee we will have the excess furniture available for use. All rooms shall be returned to their original set-up and condition by end of rental period.

Audio-Visual Equipment

Use of the Space entitles the Organization to use the equipment (microphone and podium) available in the Space. No other equipment is included in the basic Rental Fee. For additional technology support services, there will be associated fees. Coordination and planning of such services will need to be conducted two weeks in advance of the event. Your event coordinator will assist with your technology needs. Contact person in designated areas will assist with your technology needs, an effort will be made to provide in requested room. UTTC reserves the right to change room assignments in order to serve your purpose.

Policy for Admission Charges/Sale of Goods

The Organization shall not charge admission fees at the door and may not sell or offer for sale goods or services in the Space without the prior written permission of the Vice President of Campus Services; Attn: Daniel Henry, 3315 University Drive, Building 61, Bismarck, ND 58504. This includes both UTTC-sponsored events and those run by outside organizations. However, special charges are allowed for conferences and workshops where speakers’ fees and other expenses must be covered but must be approved by the Finance Director and/or the Vice President of Campus Services. Any fees approved must be collected through pre-registration; money may not be collected at the door.

Policy for Admission Charges/Sale of Goods

The Organization shall not charge admission fees at the door and may not sell or offer for sale goods or services in the Space without the prior written permission of the Vice President of Campus Services; Attn: Daniel Henry, 3315 University Drive, Building 61, Bismarck, ND 58504. This includes both UTTC-sponsored events and those run by outside organizations. However, special charges are allowed for conferences and workshops where speakers’ fees and other expenses must be covered but must be approved by the Finance Director and/or the Vice President of Campus Services. Any fees approved must be collected through pre-registration; money may not be collected at the door.


Use of the Space does entitle the Organization or its attendees to parking privileges anywhere on the UTTC campus. All organizations must adhere to existing parking guidelines.

Alcohol & Tobacco

There shall be no alcohol served, sold, consumed or allowed in the Space or on the UTTC Campus. UTTC has a tobacco-free policy. Only ceremonial use of tobacco is permitted.

Internet Access for Visitors & Guests

UTTC Wi-Fi requires a code for access, Wi-Fi is limited to UTTC students and staff.

Entertainment License

For those events open to the public and that require ticket sales at the door, you must obtain a One Day Entertainment License through the City of Bismarck and provide a copy of said permit to Vice President of Campus Services; Attn: Daniel Henry, 3315 University Drive, Building 61, Bismarck, ND 58504.

Space Availability

Space availability will be determined once the Facility Rental Form is submitted.

Catering Services

Welcome to United Tribes Technical College A’viands Catering Services. Our Food Services/Catering Director will work in close partnership with you to customize your program, providing the highest level of food quality and service at a reasonable cost to assure the success of your event. Our philosophy is to provide a meeting and dining environment specialized to not only meet but also exceed your expectations. Our team is committed to providing service and menu flexibility so that your event will be uniquely your own. Please keep in mind that the menu items and services are a little taste of what can be done. Should your planned event require special services or dietary considerations, we will tailor our menu to meet your needs.

Please be sure to include your payment details or department account number at the time you submit your Catering request. If the catering office has not received this information prior to your event date, catering will not be allowed.

Catering Guidelines

UTTC A’viands Food Service/Catering has the exclusive right to offer food and beverage service on UTTC premises, including a cafeteria, Cozy Creek, and dorm vending machines. Organizers of events who wish to have food served by an outside vendor must inform the cafeteria at 701-255-3285, ext. 1311, and complete the CATERING RIGHT OF REFUSAL FORM/REQUEST FORM at least 5 business days prior to the activity. The Food Services/Catering Director will review the plan for food service and will approve, deny and/or suggest appropriate alternatives in keeping with College policies and health regulations. Food that has not been approved by the A’viands’ Food Services/Catering Director will not be allowed.

All UTTC organized events that include a “potluck” and/or prepare food for UTTC fundraising (concessions) activities must have an employee with a food handler’s certificate available and must notify Anthony Bauer – UTTC Cafeteria or Vice President Daniel Henry prior to the event. Please note that any activity held in the UTTC cafeteria will not be approved for any outsourced food/services.

The use of the cafeteria kitchen is not allowed for any groups other than UTTC/A’viands’ kitchen staff. Should approval be given to contract the services of an outside caterer, the selected caterer must provide a copy of a certificate of liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 naming the College as additionally insured, and a copy of their occupational license 14 days prior to the event.